6th November 2023
The Yubikey Manager is a CLI tool for mainly managing your PIV = Personal Identity Verification storage, where you can store certificates and private keys. But you can also configure all the other Yubikey features like FIDO and OTP. This guide will show you how to install it on Ubuntu 22.04 and show some initial configuration to get started.
Note: There is a GUI version to. However, the CLI configuration is pretty easy to get a grip on so at least for me it’s unnecessary.
Installing The Yubikey Manager
Packets required in Ubuntu for smart card readers to work properly
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade --yes
sudo apt install opensc-pkcs11 libpam-pkcs11 pcscd
Source: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/security-smart-cards
Install the Yubikey udev rules
sudo apt install libu2f-udev
Source: https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013708900
Install some FIDO2 middleware
These are useful for U2F authentication:
sudo apt install libfido2-1 libfido2-dev libfido2-doc fido2-tools
Note: these will be needed later for OpenSSH key generation.
Install the Yubikey Manager
Add the required repository to get the latest version and then install the Yubikey manager:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yubico/stable
sudo apt update
sudo apt install yubikey-manager
Then reboot your PC.
Yubikey Configuration
Required PIV Settings
You need to set some initial configuration before you can manage keys and certificates.
Check firmware of your yubikey
$ ykman list
YubiKey 5C Nano (5.4.3) [OTP+FIDO+CCID] Serial: XXXXXXXX
Note: It is not possible to do a software upgrade on a yubikey. Minimum version for Ed25519 key support is 5.2.3. If your Yubikey is older than that, you need to do a hardware upgrade.
Ykman Help
To get information about any ykman commands, just append “-h” to the end of the command. For example:
ykman piv -h
user@computer:~$ ykman piv -h
Usage: ykman piv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Manage the PIV application.
Generate an ECC P-256 private key and a self-signed certificate in
slot 9a:
$ ykman piv keys generate --algorithm ECCP256 9a pubkey.pem
$ ykman piv certificates generate --subject "CN=yubico" 9a pubkey.pem
Change the PIN from 123456 to 654321:
$ ykman piv access change-pin --pin 123456 --new-pin 654321
Reset all PIV data and restore default settings:
$ ykman piv reset
-h, --help show this message and exit
info display general status of the PIV application
reset reset all PIV data
access manage PIN, PUK, and Management Key
certificates manage certificates
keys manage private keys
objects manage PIV data objects
You also have Yubicos command reference here:
View PIV info
To view existing certificates and keys on your Yubikey:
ykman piv info
Note: Sometimes you just need to remove your Yubikey and reconnect it for ykman piv info
command to work.
Reset PIV
I have an old certificate installed from before so I’m going to reset the PIV module so I will start from scratch.
ykman piv reset
Set a new PIN code
If you read the help screen, you already know:
ykman piv access change-pin --pin 123456 --new-pin XXXXXX
Note: default is 123456
Set a new PUK code
PUK code can help recover your PIV data if you forget your PIN or it gets blocked
ykman piv access change-puk --puk 12345678 --new-puk XXXXXXXX
Note: the PUK code have to be 6-8 characters long and can combine numbers and letters. Default PUK is 12345678.
Set a Management Key
Management functionality is guarded by a management key. This key is required for administrative tasks, such as generating key pairs. A random key may be generated and stored on the YubiKey, protected by PIN.
ykman piv access change-management-key --algorithm AES256 --protect --generate --pin XXXXXX --touch
Import Certificate
I put the help screen up here:
user@computer:~$ ykman piv certificates import -h
Usage: ykman piv certificates import [OPTIONS] SLOT CERTIFICATE
Import an X.509 certificate.
Write a certificate to one of the PIV slots on the YubiKey.
SLOT PIV slot of the certificate
CERTIFICATE file containing the certificate (use '-' to use stdin)
-m, --management-key TEXT the management key
-P, --pin TEXT PIN code
-p, --password TEXT a password may be needed to decrypt the data
-v, --verify verify that the certificate matches the private key in the slot
-h, --help show this message and exit
This is an example of importing a EJBCA superadmin certificate:
ykman piv certificates import --pin XXXXXX --password XXXXXXX 9a /home/user/superadmin.p12
Note: Check available PIV slots and what purpose they have: https://developers.yubico.com/PIV/Introduction/Certificate_slots.html
Where to go from here
So what’s the point of it all? Like I mentioned just above, one use-case is that you can now use your Yubikey as a smart card for authenticating yourself on systems that requires it. In an upcoming post I will show how to use FIDO authentication with SSH.